Sunday, July 29, 2012

Forever and Ever, Amen.

“There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” 

My life began with a quote from Julius Caesar.  Nine years ago, I had no idea what this quote meant.   I didn’t understand Shakespeare.   I was watching One Tree Hill and it was the year of 2003.  I was only eleven years old but now, at twenty, I understand such tides—I understand the fortune.  These fictional characters, though kids, were reflecting back on words that were written a hundred years ago.  Yet, it was all very relevant.  It just so happens, it doesn’t matter what decade or time we live in—we all experience the same thing: heartbreak, love, fear, bravery, sadness, happiness.    Our emotions do not have a time frame—we ALL feel.   

Pain, Loss, Grief, Disappointment:  That dull, aching feel is a reminder.  It is a reminder that you’re still alive and that this is life and you’re going to have to fight like hell to overcome it. 
Happiness:  I have learned that this shouldn’t be thought of as a destination.  It isn’t something you can achieve.   It’s simply a mood and it will come and go.  Once you have realized that, maybe you’ll be the destination for happiness.
Fear:  It reminds us all that we are human---like pain.   It reminds us all that we are not invincible and we must be humble to things that are bigger than us.
Bravery:  Or from what I have been taught, a better word would be “fortitude.”   It is almost an exception to human emotions.  It is the test, the multitude of our strength.   But, it seems as though bravery and selfishness can be complacent with each other.   What separates bravery from fortitude?   
It just so happens that emotions are timeless. 
           I believe that everyone will experience some form of greatness in their life.  I have been desperate and searched for something with personal meaning and substance.  Surprisingly though, even the smallest, minimalist things can have great value.  Think about the simple things that can make you smile.  It can come in the company of good friends, the love of a family, the serenity and tranquility of a place you call home.  Greatness can be anywhere.  I’ve found such greatness in One Tree Hill because it made the smaller moments in my life the bigger moments.  
Mark Schwahn made it clear that One Tree Hill was about opportunity.  “Opportunity is calling, what are you going to do?”   Clearly, Schwahn gave me the opportunity to shape my life.  I have grown up with the show and I have learned more than I could possibly ever imagine.  I have learned that we all have a choice in life.  Normally, those choices come at a crossroad. 
Fear:  Life is full of fear and doubt but you have two choices:  you can fight it out or you can perish.  
Love:  There are two tragedies in life: losing your heart’s desire and gaining it. 
Pain, Happiness, Bravery:  When things get tough and life takes a turn, you have but two choices in life.  You can be the person you use to be—or you can lose that person completely.
It was 2003 and I was completely enthralled by One Tree Hill’s message.  It was a moral compass—my moral compass—and it has led me to believe that we have these choices in life.   It has led me to believe that life is an opportunity and we must all find it within ourselves to find our own greatness.   

Song of the day: Forever and Ever Amen by 8mm.